The idea for my blog name came from It drives me crazy! Note to whoever wrote that definition: I am seriously offended! Why does Hayley have to be the stupid one? Huh?! I am NOT that person. Here's the exact definition:
1. Hayley Effect
The effect of losing the ability to spell after following a grammatically incorrect comment made by a friend. Therefore succumbing to the residual illiteracy that surrounds them.
Anyone who knows me will understand the irony of that definition. I despise people with incorrect grammar. I hate it when people misspell words when texting or on the Internet. I often correct people I'm close to and drive everyone around me crazy with it. I find myself correcting people I hear talking out in public. Thankfully, I have the ability to do this under my breath or silently to myself. Sometimes I even correct myself. The thought that somewhere out there someone believes I would be the cause of people's poor grammar pains me. I assure you I am working to correct poor grammar to the best of my abilities.
However, don't let my first post scare you away from my blog. I won't physically hurt you if you misspell something or make a grammatical error. I'll refrain myself :)
P.s. Please use spell check. Those little squiggly red and green lines on Microsoft Word actually mean something. ;)
Woot! That are a good blog post! ^_^ lol jk Just messin with you.
ReplyDeleteP.S. I totally agree with you about the whole "use your spell check" thing.
Sometimes I despise you! I'm kidding.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Everyone should agree with me on the spell check. It was a wonderful invention. Here's a secret: I even use the spell check! :)